Monthly Archives: March 2015

VioBio Lab featured in Euronews TV program Futuris



Euronews has featured “Vision of the future: new adaptable lens to prolong the sight of aging eyes” showcasting the European Research Council Advanced Grant Presbyopia, led by Prof. Susana Marcos. The documentary is part of the program Futuris, sponsored by the European Commission showing latest news about the leading scientific & technological research projects in Europe. Researchers at VioBio Lab, clinical collaborators and a patient tell their experience in the search for a satisfactory correction for presbyopia.

Watch the video here: Link

Watch a companion video by Euronews “Do you know?” here.

do you know


Sabine kling, Awarded the PhD Thesis Extraordinary Award


Sabine Kling has received a PhD Thesis Extraordinary Award from the University of Valladolid for his thesis entilted “Corneal Biomechanical Properties: Measurement, Modification and Simulation” , defended January 30, 2014.


New in the lab: Dr. James Germann


We welcome Dr. James Germann, joining VioBio_Lab today. James has Ph.D and MSc degress in Physics from the University of Tennessee, and BSc in Physics from State University of North Carolina. An expert in confocal microscopy and two-photon microscopy, he will lead research activities on ocular microscopy in the laboratory.

A cyclopean neural mechanism compensating for optical differences between the eyes, published in Current Biology


Eyes suffer from optical aberration that blur the images proyected on the retina, although we generally don’t perceive them as blurred because the visual system recalibrates itself. In this stidy we found that when each eye has a different level of blur our brain uses as a reference the retinal image quality of the eye with better optics. In fact, the perceived best focus measured by each eye independently is identical in both eyes, even if interocular differences in the optics occur, and matches the optical blur of the better eye.

The study has been published in the high impact journal Current Biology Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan, Carlos Dorronsoro, Lucie Sawides, Michael A. Webster, Susana Marcos. Acyclopean neural mechanism compensating for optical differences between the eyes. Current Biology.

Can be found in this link

See CSIC Press Release note: Link