Monthly Archives: July 2020

Perceived Transverse Chromatic Aberration study, published in Biomedical Optics Express


We implemented a new channel in a polychromatic Adaptive Optics system to measure Transverse Chromatic Aberration (TCA). Perceived TCA (measured with a large pupil) differs from optical TCA (measured with a small pupil). Besides, correcting monochromatic aberrations changed TCA orientation and increased its magnitude. We found that estimations of perceived TCA considering measured optical TCA, Stiles-Crawford Effect, Monochromatic Aberrations and Longitudinal Chromatic Aberration accurately predicted the measured perceived TCA. The study allows therefore understanding the relative contributions of different factors to polychromatic chromatic image quality.

Full reference: Sara Aissati, Maria Vinas, Clara Benedi-Garcia, Carlos Dorronsoro, and Susana Marcos, “Testing the effect of ocular aberrations in the perceived transverse chromatic aberration,” Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 4052-4068 (2020).

Full article here