Monthly Archives: February 2018

Susana Marcos Seminar: “De los telescopios al ojo: la ruta de nuevas tecnologías en oftalmología”


The seminar and celebration event (Prof. Susana Marcos Celestino, Rey Jaime I Award 2017) will take place next Wednesday February 21st at 10am in Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias (C/Serrano 115b, Madrid). The research, development and demonstration of several diagnostic instrumentation technologies in ophthalmology developed in the Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab, and inspired by technologies initially developed for astronomical observation (speckle interferometry, Hartmann-Shack, Adaptive Optics), will be discussed. The application of these technologies has led to an improvement of people’s vision and quality of life. 

New in the lab: Salvador Aguilar



We welcome Salvador Aguilar Córcoles to VioBio Lab as Master student from Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Master of Research in Vision Sciences). Salvador has a degree in Optics and Optometry (2015) by Universidad de Alicante and professional experience in clinical practice, working with patients and animal models. At VioBio Lab he will be working in the Ocular Microscopy Lab, in particularly Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy of ocular structures.