Monthly Archives: March 2019

SILK-EYE, a new ERC Advanced Grant announced to VIOBIO Lab

Silkeye collage I

The European Research Council has announced this year’s ERC Advanced Grant projects, SILK-EYE led by Professor Susana Marcos (Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab, Institute of Optics, CSIC, Spain) being one of the 10 new grantees from Spanish research institutions. This new ERC grant, follows ERC AdG PRESBYOPIA, ERC PoC OCT4IOL, ERC PoC SimVisSim and ERC PoC LightAIOL, previously granted to the group.

SILKEYE will develop a unique set of strategies for the generation of ocular implants based on silk biomaterials that are more biocompatible and versatile than current synthetic implants, and safer, more functional, more accessible and more affordable than allografts. The project will produce high impact results at the interface of photonics and biology, and has the potential to revolutionize how major corrective procedures in ophthalmology are performed.

Pablo Sanz Diez, MyFun ITN Marie Curie Fellow, secondment at VioBio Lab


We welcome Pablo Sanz Diez to VioBio Lab as a visiting Fellow of the Marie Curie MyFun ITN. Pablo holds a Bachelor in Optics and Optometry and a MSc in Advanced Optic and Optometric Techniques from the University of Murcia, and a MSc in Clinical Optometry and Vision from University of Alicante. He is currently a Marie Curie Early Career Fellow at Carl Zeiss Vision, Tuebingen, and he is visiting VioBio Lab for 3 weeks to undertake studies relating the effect of stimulus features with crystalline lens shape and accommodation.

More information about the MyFUN Innovative Training Network  here.