Monthly Archives: June 2013

Madrid-MIT M+Vision Minicourse on “Optical Imaging: Applications in Ophthalmology”


As part of the Madrid-MIT Vision Consortium July Minicourse Series, the Institute of Optics will be offering a course on “Optical Imaging:

Applications in Ophthalmology”. The course will allow participants to come in direct contact with novel optical imaging technologies and its applications in ophthalmology. The course will cover from fundamental clinical aspects to hands-on understanding of the principles of state-of-the art wavefront sensing, adaptive optics, optical coherence tomography and confocal and multiphoton microscopy. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with key leaders in the field of ocular imaging and ophthalmology, with expertise in optics, engineering, vision science and ophthalmology, and know who is who in the area in Madrid and Boston research communities. Transfer of laboratory technologies into industry and the clinic, with real experiences from the Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab (Institute of Optics, CSIC) and M+Visión will be also presented.

Full information and registration at:

Adaptation to Interocular differences of blur, published in Journal of Vision

paper_junioMonocular adaptation and binocular contingent adaptation (i.e. one eye adapted to a sharp image and the contralateral eye to a blurred image, or astigmatic blur with perpendicular orientations in each eye) were studied. We found that adaptation can selectively adjust to some but not all refractive differences between the eyes (predominantly spherical blur), and that the adaptation tend to be dominated by the sharper retinal image. The study is a collaborative work between Prof. Webster’s lab (Department of Psychology) at the University of Nevada at Reno and the Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab.

Full reference:

Elysse Kompaniez, Lucie Sawides, Susana Marcos, and Michael A. Webster, Adaptation to Interocular differences of blur.  Journal of Vision  May 31, 2013 vol. 13 no. 6 article 19