Monthly Archives: June 2016

Spin off 2Eyes Vision launches new website

2Eyes Vision has just released a new website:
2eyes web
Announcing the advances of the SimVis technology, licensed (3 patents) from CSIC. SimVis allows patients to experience multifocal vision before implantation of IOLs.
SimVis is a binocular, wearable, light, see – through device, expected to be commercially available in 2017.

Susana Marcos, Invited speaker at International School on light Sciences and Technologies ISLIST at Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo


The International School on light Sciences and Technologies ISLIST at Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo Summer Program will be held in Santander June 21-24 2016, featuring a excellent too sure of international speakers, including  Nobel Laureare Andre Geim, Immediate OSA Past President Philip Russel among others. Susana Marcos will be presenting in the use of light in applications in ophthalmology and vision.
Additional information and program in this link: