Monthly Archives: February 2016

International Year of Light Closing Ceremony features plenary lecture “Light for Vision” by Susana Marcos



The closing ceremony of the International Year of Light, held in Merida, Mexico, has celebrated an extraordinary year where thousands of events worldwide have celebrated light and light-based technologies.

Susana Marcos has joined a distinguished roster of speakers in the celebration, including researchers, artists, Nobel laureates, and representatives from UNESCO, UN and academic and professional societies worldwide, and delivered a plenary lecture on “Light for Vision”

2 Open Positions at VioBio Lab on “Visual performance with bifocal correction to inhibit myopia” and “Crystalline lens and myopia”, ITN MyFun.



MyFUN is an InInnovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme under the Marie Curie Actions, comprising 7 European Universities, research institutions and companies, coordinated by Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany.

The duration of the project, entitled “Myopia: Fundamental Understanding Needed”, is 48 months, starting on January 01, 2016. The network will progressively open a total of 14 (3 year) full-time positions for PhD training.

More information:

“Visual performance with bifocal correction to inhibit myopia”Open Position.

“Crystalline lens and myopia”Open Position.

MyFun ITN Open Positions