Monthly Archives: May 2020

Gradient index distribution in guinea pig crystalline lenses


We used Optical Coherence Tomography and an inverse optimization technique to estimate the crystalline lens gradient index distribution in guinea pig, a popular animal model for myopia. Measurements were obtained in eyes of different refractions and ages. GRIN followed a parabolic profile, and the nucleus and surface refractive index values were consistent with those of other mammals. We found that the presence of GRIN reduced the magnitude of lens spherical aberration, and this tended to increase with age.

The study is the result of collaborative work between CSIC (Viobio Lab, Institute of Optics) and the University of Newcastle, Australia.

Full reference: Alberto de Castro, Eduardo Martinez‐Enriquez, Pablo Perez‐Merino, Miriam Velasco‐Ocaña, Luis Revuelta, Sally McFadden, Susana Marcos “Crystalline lens gradient refractive index distribution in the guinea pig” Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics 40, 308–315 (2020) doi:

Full article here