Monthly Archives: June 2018

VioBio Lab presence at the Reunión Nacional de Óptica 2018


The Spanish Optical Society (SEDOPTICA) biannual meeting is taking place in Castellón next week. This year is a particular landmark, as it celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the Society. VioBio Lab will have a strong presence at the conference.

Follow the schedule of VIOBIO presentations July 2-6 2018 in Castellón: 

 III Reunión Nacional de Óptica Joven

Monday 2.

12:15 h. María Viñas “Mujer, Óptica y… ¿SEDÓPTICA?”

 XII Reunión Nacional de Óptica:

Tuesday 3.

10:15 -11:00. Plenary Talk. Prof. Susana Marcos. “Optical technologies to improve vision diagnostics and correction”

12:40 – 12:55h. Andrés de la Hoz. “Diseño y evaluación de una nueva lente acomodativa deformable”

12:55 – 13:10h. Andrea Curatolo. “Customised optical coherence tomography system for corneal deformation imaging on multiple meridians”

17:15 – 18:30h. Poster session I. “In vivo chromatic aberration in phakic and pseudophakic eyes implanted with different materials and designs IOLs”

17:15 – 18:30h. Poster session I. “Morfología del cristalino présbita in vivo mediante imagen 3D de OCT cuantitativa”

Wednesday 4

11:40 – 11:55. Mercedes Romero. “Comparación de simuladores visuales multifocales antes y después del implante de lentes trifocales difractivas en pacientes”. 

11:55 – 12:10. Clara Benedí. “Discriminación del emborronamiento en un sistema de óptica adaptativa”

Friday 6

13:30h. Justiniano Casas Award Ceremony. Aiswaryah Radhakrishnan will receive the Accesit Award for her PhD thesis “Presbyopia Corrections: Optical, Perceptual and Adaptational Implications“, directed by Prof. Susana Marcos Celestino and Dr. Carlos Dorronsoro Díaz. 


Retos Project on myopia evaluation and treatment announced today for VioBio Lab


The Spanish Research Agency has announced today the award of a research grant (Societal Challenges) on the project “New optical technologies for understanding and treating myopia” (PI: Susana Marcos; Co-PI: Carlos Dorronsoro). The project will investigate at high resolution the structure of the myopic eye and perception, visual function and accommodative dynamics in myopia. On the other hand, novel approaches for myopia control will be studied.

More information on Retos Investigacion Projects 2017 here.

Banners at CSIC Campus feature VioBio Lab SimVis Technology


Visitors to CSIC Campus in Madrid will find new banners showcasting the SimVis technology, that allows patients to experience presbyopic corrections before surgery. The Simultaneous Vision Simulator was developed in Viobio Lab, in the context of several projects including the ERC Proof of Concept Grant SimVisSim, and is protected by 4 patents. Spin-off company 2EyesVision is the licensee to this awarded technology, which is set off for clinical validations and commercialization.

More information on VioBio Lab projects can be found at

More information on SimVis can be found at