Monthly Archives: December 2018

Job Offer: Predoctoral position in VioBio Lab – soon to be published

Captura IO

CSIC will open very soon (expected date January 2019) a call for proposal for predoctoral positions in the framework of Sistema de Garantía Juvenil.

VioBio lab will host one predoctoral researcher to prepare and develop optical instruments and prototypes, among other multidisciplinary tasks in the field of physics, ophthalmology and optical sciences.

The duration of the contract will be one year (with possible extension).

Interested candidates with backgrounds in Physics, Optics, Telecommunications, Telematics, Telemedicine, Biomedical Engineering, Electronic, Industrial and Informatics Engineering, Industrial Design and Industrial Technologies and Mathematics are encouraged to visit the CSIC website where the official call will be published: and to send a cover letter and CV to Nohelia Morales (

Nicolas Alejandre defends PhD Thesis on corneal changes following ICRS implantation in keratoconus patients

Tesis Nico

Nicolas Alejandre MD obtained a PhD with honors with his thesis entitled “Cambios Corneales tras la inserción de segmentos de anillos intraestromales en pacientes con queratocono”, at the School of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, supervised by Susana Marcos, PhD (VioBio Lab, Instituto de Optica, CSIC) and Ignacio Jimenez-Alfaro (Fundación Jimenez Díaz and UAM). The work is part of long-term collaborative agreements (Unidad Asociada) between the FJD Opthalmology Service and VioBio Lab.