Monthly Archives: September 2021

Oferta de empleo: Ayudante de investigación


El Laboratorio de Óptica Visual y Biofotónica (Instituto de Óptica, CSIC) busca candidatos para un contrato de ayudante de investigación en el marco del proyecto IND2019/BMD­17262 Biometría ocular, Cataratas, Dispositivos médicos de bajo coste y Tomografía de Coherencia Óptica.

El candidato se integrará en un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar para desarrollar las siguientes tareas:

(1) Desarrollo electrónico de un sistema para la captura de señal de interferometría en un biómetro de bajo coste.
(2) Automatización de procesos para el registro de datos experimentales y su posterior procesado.
(3) Elaboración de informes y publicaciones científicas.

Los interesados deben ponerse en contacto Nohelia Morales ( y mandar su CV y expresión de interés.

Oferta completa en este link.

Optical and visual quality of real IOLs physically projected on the patient’s eye, published in Biomedical Optics Express

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Visual simulators aim at evaluating vision with ophthalmic corrections prior to prescription or implantation of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in the patient’s eye. In a new published study, we present the design, implementation, and validation of a new IOL-in-cuvette channel in an Adaptive Optics visual simulator, which provides an alternative channel for pre-operative simulation of vision with IOLs. IOL-in-cuvette is projected to the pupil’s plane of the subject by using a Rassow system. A second lens, the Rassow lens, compensates for an IOL of 20 D while other powers can be corrected with a Badal system in a 5 D range. The new channel was evaluated by through-focus (TF) optical quality on an artificial eye on bench, and by TF visual acuity in patients, with various IOL designs (monofocal, diffractive trifocal, and refractive extended depth of focus). 

Full reference: Clara Benedi-Garcia, Maria Vinas, Carmen M Lago, Sara Aissati, Alberto de Castro, Carlos Dorronsoro, and Susana Marcos, “Optical and visual quality of real intraocular lenses physically projected on the patient’s eye,” Biomed. Opt. Express 12, 6360-6374 (2021)

Link to the article here

Guest editorial to celebrate Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 25th Anniversary

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Looking back at landmark articles published in the JCRS (Mester et al. 2003) where visual outcomes with the first aspheric IOLs were presented, the author (Susana Marcos) discusses how increased knowledge of the eye’s optics, aberrometry and new imaging technologies are shaping the present and future of IOL designs and cataract and presbyopic surgery.

Full reference: Susana Marcos “Improving pseudophakic optical quality beyond aspheric intraocular lenses: the next frontier”, Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery: September 2021 – Volume 47 – Issue 9 – p 1111-1114 doi: 10.1097/j.jcrs.0000000000000762

Link to the article here

Review article on Mechanisms and pathways on myopia development, published in Experimental Eye Research


Myopia affects more than 30% of the population in western countries and more than 90% in some Asian populations. Although it is well established that refractive eye development is a tightly coordinated developmental process, we are still unveiling why and how mypia develop. In a review article we present state-of-the art knowledge of the complex cross-tissue signaling in the disruption of emmetropization, the interaction of the crystalline lens with other ocular tissues during eye growth, the role of accommodation, contrast, monochromatic and chromatic aberrations in eye emmetropization. This review article is collaborative work between authors of University of Oklahoma, University of Tuebingen, Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB), Columbia University, and Instituto de Óptica CSIC.

Full reference: Jody A. Summers, Frank Schaeffel, Susana Marcos, Hao Wu, Andrei V. Tkatchenko “Functional integration of eye tissues and refractive eye development: Mechanisms and pathways”, Experimental Eye Research, 209, 108693 (2021)

Link to the article here