Monthly Archives: July 2013

Contributing factors to corneal deformation from air-puff measurements published in IOVS


From air-puff  corneal deformation imaging on eyes ( porcine and human) and corneal buttons we investigated the role of corneal stiffness, IOP, sclera, in vivo vs in vitro on corneal deformation, and its impact on obtaining corneal elastic and viscoelastic properties from these measurements. The study appears in this months’ issue of Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science. The paper has been selected as a Research Highlight by IOVS Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci20135450785085

Lucie Sawides defends her PhD thesis on Adaptive Optics and Vision and the University of Valladolid



Lucie Sawides will defend her thesis entitled “Correction and control of ocular aberrations with adaptive optics: Effects on human vision” next July 26 at the University of Valladolid School of Medicine, as part of the PhD Interuniversity Program in Visual Sciences. An open seminar will take place at the Insitute of Opitcs on Jul 24.

Effects of corneal hydration on corneal biomechanics published in the Journal of Refractive Surgery


Corneal biomechanical properties are most often measured in vitro, however the effect of corneal hydration corneal hydration state, modulated by the storage solutions or postmortem period had never been investigated. In a corneal deformation test with varying intraocular pressure we found that corneal hydration and tissue preservation changed corneal biomechanics, in particular its relaxation over a period of 24 hours. Dehydration by any dextran solution increased the hysteresis after the inflation/deflation cycle Corneas treated with standard cross-linking photosensitizer (riboflavin– dextran) deformed most indicating a softening of the corneal tissue compared to control corneas. The results of high interest in the experimental evaluation of the collagen cross-linking treatment for keratoconus. The results appear in this month’s issue of Journal of Refractive Surgery.

Sabine Kling & Susana Marcos. “Effect of Hydration State and Storage Media on Corneal Biomechanical Response From In Vitro Inflation Tests” 29, 490-497 (2013)